Thursday, February 17, 2011

I think I F*&%#ed up

My daughter caught a simple cold on tuesday........and I catch something far worse on wednesday. Its only lasted a day and a half but it felt like forever!!! I hope this doesnt hinder my weight loss......because its seemed like everything that was on my diet, made me I ate some healthy foods but they were loaded with carbohydrates. Maybe it was a phantom sickness......maybe this was just my mind playing tricks on me so I would have an excuse to taste those lovely carbs........(they were VERY tasty).... oh well, I'm starting to feel better.........I'll be back on track by this afternoon.



  1. Sometimes our body gets really tricky about what we eat. And from time to time it is good to have some carbs too. It can even give a kick-start for your metabolism. Just do it with care and consideration.
    All the best!

  2. You always find the BEST thinspiration! You need to tell me what site you look on :)
    Hope your daughter gets well soon.
    Good luck xx
